William Dorrington Harryman
(1859-Between 1861/1871) |
William Dorrington Harryman![]() Events • Lived at: 29 Hill Terrace, 1861, Chatham, Kent, England. 2 |
1 : FBMD, FBMD births mar 1859 Medway 2a 325. Repository: Online, www. Cit. Date: 2 Dec 2004. Cit. ID: FBMD births mar 1859 medway 2a 325. Surety: 3.
2 (1861 English and Welsh Census(London, TNA/Ancestry.co.uk, 1962) , Web site showing copies of original enumerator schedules) ID: CEN 1861, CEN 1861 rg9 478 78 22. Repository: LDS, Brampton. Cit. Date: 12 May 2005. Cit. ID: CEN 1861 rg9 478 78 22. Surety: 3.
: FBMD, FBMD death jun 1890 Medway 2a 348. Repository: Online, www. Cit. Date: 4 Dec 2004. Cit. ID: FBMD death jun 1890 medway 2a 348. Surety: 3.
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